

Contact Sales
(877) 806-1990


We can customize only the applications that you choose for your domain. We will configure only those products. For example, you may just want our Cloud Files without other applications.

You can also customize the look and feel of applications, placement and ownership of shared spaces, folders and project areas. You can also control many aspects of the service using domain class of services. If you need any help, we can help you in all these areas.


Your site can be branded with your own logo and slogan. When setting up your site, we will upload your logo and set it up for free.


For large enterprises, providing access control individually can be time taking and cumbersome. We can help you create your custom roles. You will be able to control access to any file, folder or resource or application through roles.


Once again, for large organization, we can customize and configure workflow rules for as per their requirements.